Join the movement to house the people!

Bozeman Tenants United is the citywide tenant union. We are led by a multiracial, intergenerational base of poor and working class tenants in Bozeman. 

We believe that the people closest to the problems are closest to the solutions we need. Together we are fighting to ensure that everyone in Bozeman has safe, dignified and truly affordable housing. 

If you are a member of the tenant class (renter, unhoused, or bank tenant (homeowner with a mortgage)) and are willing to put in the work to change direction of our city for the better, you are welcome in the union.

Reach out to us at to connect with our members and get involved!


Bozeman Tenants United is funded by our member’s dues! Join your local tenants union! We have power in numbers — but only when we’re united.